Business Development Honestly,



More than consulting:

Outsourced business development!

Let’s find the right topic together!

SIMPLYADD Consulting stands next to you with fast learning, validated suggestions and actions you can count on, so that your resources and technologies could support you the most in reaching your business goals.

We plan, present, execute, coordinate and support for you.

Nem csak tanácsadás:

Kiszervezett Üzletfejlesztés.

Keressünk témát közösen!

A SIMPLYADD Consulting gyors helyzet felismeréssel, lényegretörő és megalapozott megoldási javaslatokkal áll melléd, hogy erőforrásaid és technológia lehetőségeid a legoptimálisabban támogassák üzleti céljaid elérését.

Tervez, Előterjeszt, Megvalósít, Koordinál, Üzemeltet.

What can you expect from SIMPLYADD?

  • We stand next to you solving your most actual business challenges together.
  • We don’t tell you off in your own business, we provide objective opinion, we ask the right questions and support you with the solution.
  • As an outsider among your employees we move faster and easier since we don’t have hidden agendas or motives..
  • We catalyze and execute projects, meeting the allocated budgets and deadlines.
  • Javaslatainkat igĂ©ny esetĂ©n bevezetjĂĽk Ă©s megvalĂłsĂ­tjuk a jĂłváhagyott költsĂ©gkeretnek Ă©s a határidĹ‘knek megfelelĹ‘en.
  • Nem on’t run away when we are finished, we are happy to stay for follow-up and finetunes.
Business Development: honestly, simply, together.

In what topics can you count on us?

Our tools in headlines.

Business Development

Service- Product- Partner- portfolio efficiency and development paths, outsourced Business Development

Applied Marketing

Marketing efficiency and development paths, outsourced Marketing

Project Management

Project- planning, leading, support, budget control

Applied Technology

IT efficiency and development paths, buying, implementation, operation support

Applied Work-flows

Process efficiency and development paths

Matrix Work-flow

Coordinating employees and subcontractors to reach common goals

How we work together?

Our most common routines.

In case of straight forward demand, we collect the information needed to validate the concept and if we believe in the goal and our ability to deliver, we will make an offer on the project.

We complete the job according to deadlines and mile stones, keeping control of the resources and conditions set at the beginning.

If the demand is not concrete, we look through the functions of the company that we believe we can add value to and if we find a validated concept, we make an offer on the project.

We keep our project sponsor well-informed. we don’t let tasks to fall on the ground and we keep the whole team motivated towards our final goal.

TWe can say No! Tasks that can’t be completed by us are indicated before the work starts and we can provide the right partners for the right job if needed but we are willing to cooperate with any party who is dedicated for the success of the project. We also highlight risks if there is any.

We are transparent and compliant, we do regular reports on our work.

Who is responsible for quality?

Sandor Borbas: The founder and managing director of SIMPLYADD.

Sandor started his career in 2002 at Westel – the market leader national mobile operator – that established his work culture and approach to business problems. He experienced how a successful Hungarian enterprise builds up from scratch and even more, when rebranded to T-Mobile as an international brand under the umbrella of Magyar Telekom the incumbent Operator. When Telekom decided to merge the fixed and mobile line services, he learnt how to get the best results from integrating two different cultures, countless processes and multiple support systems. As B2B business development expert, he represented Magyar Telekom around the globe on international conferences and learnt through his projects how complicated knowledge transfer is even to daughter companies in Montenegro or Macedonia.

The merger of KFKI group thought excellent lessons on challenges of merging service people with project people into one coherent system, to be honest the success of T-Systems Hungary was an unrepeatable and rare success even in Deutsche Telekom group and not only in marketing communication terms but in pure business success and cooperation.

After 12 years of big enterprise life he moved to SMB sector as company leader to support the everyday life of Hungarian SMBs and helped SERCO It & Services to be recognised even by the Budapest Stock Exchange. The nearly 6 years spent here repositioned his view on business success and challenges of Hungarian companies more realistic to the ground compared to the best practice life of big enterprises.

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